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How to deal with debt


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Trying to save while you’re in debt is like trying to swim with your boots on. It’s possible, but it’s much harder than it needs to be. Suppose you want to save for a home, retirement, or even a vacation. If you’re in debt, for every dollar you save, you could lose a dollar or more in interest charges. That’s because the interest on many types of debt is higher than the return you can get by saving or investing.

The longer you carry debt, the more interest you will owe. The best way to get out from under your debt is to learn how to pay it down.

Understanding the difference between good and bad debt

Here’s the first thing you need to know about debt: There’s good debt and bad debt. Good debt is money you owe for an asset that will grow in value over time. That’s often a home, but it can also be the cost of a college or university education.

Bad debt is money you owe for depreciating (or even instantly disappearing) purchases, like clothing, travel and entertainment. But if your mortgage or student loan payments are crushing you, that’s bad debt, too.

Credit card debt is the highest-interest debt that most people carry. It’s quite easy to get a credit card and even easier to run up the balance. What’s harder is paying for everything you’ve charged, every month. Today, major credit cards typically charge close to 20% interest on outstanding balances. They charge even more for cash advances. Most Canadian adults own at least one credit card; many have more.

The “debt snowball” approach to credit card debt

What if you have several credit cards that you haven’t been able to whittle down? With some juggling, you’ve been paying the monthly minimums, but you’re afraid you’re going to start dropping the balls. Before that happens, try a debt snowball, which combines a little math with a dash of psychology.

  1. Start by declaring a holiday free from plastic. Put your cards away somewhere safe. Delete your card numbers from your online shopping accounts – anything to make it harder to use them. Think of it not as self-denial, but rather as something good you’re doing for yourself.
  2. Figure out how much cash you have left over each month after paying for the absolute necessities. Then, begin throwing every bit of that cash at the card with the lowest balance. Meanwhile, make the minimum payments on the rest of your cards. Keep it up every month without fail, until you’ve cleared the balance on that first card. Because that balance is the lowest, you can clear it the fastest.
  3. Next, take what you were paying on card #1 and add it to the minimum payment on the card with the next-lowest balance. It might take longer, but you’ll feel that much better when you get the next one down to zero.
  4. Keep going! Work on the account with the next-lowest balance until it’s clear, and so on, until you’ve cleared all your cards. Congratulations! You are a money-management star! Be sure to celebrate each win along the way by treating yourself to a small treat.

How do you stay out of debt?

Now that you’re out of debt, how do you keep it that way? One route is to get serious about sticking to a budget. Rather than listing line items and then wondering how you will pay for it all, start at the other end. Take a clear-eyed look at your after-tax income, and work backwards.

Deduct your housing costs, groceries, insurance, transportation and other essentials. Whatever is left – however much or little that may be – is your discretionary spending limit. When that amount is gone each month, take a deep breath and remember how good it felt to clear off your balance. Step away from your credit cards, and wait for next month. Another tip: Ask your financial institution to lower the limit on your credit cards.

Managing unexpected expenses

Staying on budget when you’re just faced with expected bills, like rent and groceries, is a very good thing. But what if your car breaks down, your furnace quits or your dog needs surgery? If you’re short of cash for something critical, it is important to explore your credit options. If you have a good credit score, you may be able to arrange a personal or home equity line of credit.

A low-interest line of credit can help you pay off high-interest cards and can act as a resource for emergency funds, as needed. With interest rates on the rise, it’s important not to borrow more than you can pay off reasonably quickly. Once you’re out of debt, make it a priority to have a cushion of three to six months’ salary in a bank account or tax-free savings account (TFSA).

Resist the temptation to take out a short-term payday loan to tide you over until your next pay cheque. Introductory rates for these loans are often temporary and the real rate can be 25 to 30 times higher, according to the federal government’s Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

A credit card can be a convenient tool, if you use it wisely. It saves you time, makes online shopping easy, and can earn you reward points for things like groceries and travel. But choose your card carefully. Pick a reward program that will give you something you actually need. Be sure to compare card features, including promotional details, fees, and penalties for missing payments.

Here’s the golden rule for using a credit card: Only charge as much as you will have cash to pay for when the bill comes due.

We’re here to help

Having difficulty getting out of debt? Our financial advisors can work with you to develop a plan that will get you back on track.

Talk to a Meridian advisor

Learn more about debt management

Explore our credit resource centre
Do you have a debt problem? How to tell and how to solve it

A version of this article was originally published December 30, 2021

Meridian Credit Union communications are intended for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial advice or an opinion on any issue. We would be pleased to provide additional details or advice about specific situations if desired.

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