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Family members, working together

My name's Scott Allan, president of Apple Self Storage. One of the attractive parts of the business is that it does cater to a lot of needs and there's a broad spectrum of experiences that people go through in their lives where they need something temporary.

We certainly find that our Self Storage managers are not so much great salespeople, as great therapists and great people to help through difficult situations. Obviously, it's an interesting dynamic, working with siblings. Your staff have to be very adaptive. Staff ask questions with the potential of getting three separate answers. What's been beneficial with Meridian is that they've got some excellent account people that have been flexible for us.

There seems to be something in the DNA, maybe it's a credit union status, I'm not sure, but there seems to be something that is different than Schedule A banks and that seems to suit our family business DNA as well. Each year, we create a new Annual Apple, which we give to all the staff and our partners for that matter. They're gonna get an Apple next Christmas.

Family members, working together

Learn more about how Meridian helped Scott Allan, president of Apple Self Storage, evaluate his family business.

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